The Up and Down the River column in The Pioneer newspaper began in the 1980’s:  one column each week, 52 weeks of the year, for 30+ years. The column covers a wide array of topics. Sometimes the articles are centered close to home while other times they span the globe. Some reflect upon the minutiae of life, others  look at the bigger picture. Up and Down the River both asks and answers questions. It reflects on where we are, where we’ve been and wonders about where we are going. We look inward; we gaze outward, literally up and down our own river of life.


february 24: visual thinking for art appreciation

february 18: ferris professor to discuss van halen’s impact on music history

february 10: The health benefits of group drumming

February 3: Novel Tea celebrates black history month

january 27: new exhibit features john james audubon

january 20: call to artists, farm girl

january 13: fine art gallery to feature fiber artist in february

january 6: start the new year with a good book