Novel Tea Book Club

Read the book and join the discussion! Novel Tea meets the third Thursday of each month at 3pm in the lower level at Artworks.

Facilitator: Barbara Ross

Click on the image to purchase the book through Amazon.

november 21

Rosalie Iron Wing, a Dakota woman who survives the foster care system to make a life of her own in the world, must confront harsh realities: climate change, capitalism, contemporary farming practices. Her story invokes the strength that women, land, and plants have share over generations.

december 19

"Last Night I Dreamt I went to Manderley Again..."

With these words, the reader is ushered into an isolated gray stone mansion on the windswept Cornish coast, as the second Mrs. Maxim de Winter recalls the chilling events that transpired as she began her new life as the young bride of a husband she barely knew.