Judy Davis
medium: watercolor
Creativity helps us find ourselves
Painting found me in the midst
of navigating one of the most
difficult moments of my life. In
2019, our lives were changed
forever when my husband was
critically injured in an explosive
blast while serving in the
US. Army. Before I became a
caregiver, I was a motivational
speaker and author specializing in military family wellness and suicide
prevention for teens and young
adults. While I knew that I had
made the right choice to close
my business, I was acutely
aware that my soul longed for
In a particularly stressful moment, my daughter suggested I grab the art kit I kept in my home office for my grand-daughters, and just paint.
The rest is history. From the
moment I dipped that brush into
that simple pallet and brought my
feelings to life, I knew painting
was the "thing" I had been
Watercolors and the occasional
alcohol ink mediums became
my escape from the stress in my
life, and creating something that
brought joy to others moved me
in ways I never thought possible.
Capturing the beauty all around
me helps me focus on all the
beauty that needs to be shared in
the world. My motto "Life Happens, Live Creative".